Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let's think li'l different!!!!!!

We do have eyes and a mind but hardly, a few of us have hearts!!! I'm not speaking of the anatomical heart, right!! Human minds are unique but we have made them conventional. Just for instance: we see a caterpillar and raise our noses wid an awesome feel . We hate its stinging hairs but we fail to recognise its beautiful style of moving over the leaf lamina. That kind of locomotion is called "looming". Even, we humans can never do it. We see the weeds and cut them out 'coz they are a waste but our eyes fail to notice their euphoric greenery.
Why only about our nature? Let me tell you about our society. While boarding the trains, it's a common scenario to see small poor kids dancing, jumping, singing or even brooming the floors so as to become the cynosure of all the eyes or in a vague expectation of earning some money. Few of us notice them and then turn our eyes and a few, with all their bitterness in their hearts, take out a one-rupee coin and hand it over to them from a few metres high so that they don't touch their nasty hands. We see the filthiness of their hands but not the tiredness and the dry scars on their plumpy palms which clearly reflect their gory conditions of poverty and recklessness. Next, comes home. We the teenagers are the hottest topics of discussions in our homes. We always have a grudge against our parents, our siblings. Academics, behaviour, habits-all are a cause of tension. We see only our points of view but not of our parents' who have gathered about a half century's experience. Had ever we thought a li'l bit different, then our lives would not have been so erratic. I'm not an exception to all these but when my mind is cool, and my heart is really "the heart", I do feel that these small li'l things have a great significance in our lives. after reading this, I 'ope u do feel the same. "jab apna dil ho khus to rab bhi ho khus"