Thursday, November 4, 2010

A DIFFERENT WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ten more days left in my hands................. and then I 'ld turn 18.............. Every year, I used to wait eagerly for my birthday.. But I don't know why this year, quite unexpected thoughts were striking my mind.......... As if I had lost the most precious , valuable and cheerful days of my life................I wish I was still  the cute, little, fat girl, Pratyasha.............(Though, I'm still fat...........)  I wondered how our world was filled with utter innocence and how delicate we were????????? No tensions, no bitterness in our chocolaty hearts and simply the most awesome and unwondered  questions of the world struck our minds... Our brains were fresh with vivid creativity and euphoric imaginations.........
A couple of days ago, I was just chatting with some little children as I don't have a peer group of my age in our colony and I luv to be with those innocent minds...... Just then, a li'l boy asked me:"guddy didi, Is our whole body made of blood? Bcoz, Yesterday when I fell down, blood oozed out of my leg..........." I replied:"Yes". Again he asked " blood is like water naa? Then, when there is water in a bottle and we shake it, it produces a blurring sound...... So, when we run or jump, Why  our body doesn't produce the same sound.......' I was just taken aback with his qn and then replied that this was because of the presence of air cavity in the bottle. To this, he asked that as I had lost some amount of blood in that injury, then why my body is not producing the same sound????????I said, new blood gets created from the food we eat........But his radio was not going to stop at all......... He again asked:If new blood gets created everyday, then why doesn't the blood get overflowed from our body after it gets filled up????????? By that time, my brain was just rotating with a rpm=10000. I don't know if the motor in our BEE lab can rotate with such speeds...............Some other day, during the scorching hot summer, my mother exclaimed:It must be now about 50 degrees in Talcher......"After a few days, my father had to go to IIT,KGP for receiving his Phd degree. My bro asked my mom:"MOMMA, Where is papa going?" To this, my mom said he is going to take his degree.Without wasting a moment, my bro asked:"IF WE HAVE 50 DEGREES IN TALCHER, THEN WHY IS PAPA GOING KGP TO TAKE ONE DEGREE?" We had no answer  to his qn...................

Such are the minds of the children........... As soft as a cotton ball, as playful and jolly as a squirrel and the most inquisitive of all........ They are untouched from the pangs of sufferings, the evilness of jealousy, the brutality of irritation and the tensions of competitions..........

Perhaps, when we were children, we were the same......... but the changing time has changed us........ We have no time to stand and stare............ or even think...........HOW BEAUTIFUL THE WORLD IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. Hey frenz............ I had been out of touch from all of u since long........... But then I thought to write about this topic. I dnt know what others think about me but a thing makes me happy that all kinds of children luv me a lot. so, I wrote for them...... and to be fortunate to celebrate my birthday on 14th of nov........ "ope u all lyked the entry........

  2. beautiful article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!totally loved it......beautifully written.kudos to kids!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanx..... sukalp.......

  4. kids r indeed vry innocent bt sometimes they irritate us wid their never ending questions...but we were also the same....article is vry nice...keep on writing more...

  5. Nyc entry...seriously childhood days r the most unforgettable nd the most innocent...but jo goes on...bade ho gaye ab, enjoy the freedoms of lyf!! :) :D

  6. I stil remembr d day I touchd d roof of our mosquito net n exclaimd "Mu bada heigali"....

    I used 2 b vry vry talkative n wud talk wid ne1 I found....

    While sleeping, my foot used 2 cum only til half of our bed.... My dream ws 2 bcum so big 1 day dat I wud hv legs so big 2 cover d ful length of d bed....

    I always wntd 2 b big as soon as possible....

    I m tall nw.... I m big nw.... Bt, wish 2 b back in those magical days again whn d starting of a scooter n rotation of d fan appeard 2 b magics....

    Vry nycly writen....
